by Jerry Carbone | Jan 29, 2019 | News
Wesselhoeft Water Cure. Photograph 1869?-1890? by D. A. Henry. Public Domain, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. You may recall over the past several years I had this itch to document all of the visitors to the Wesselhoeft Water Cure whose names, dates, and residence were...
by Jerry Carbone | Jul 3, 2018 | Italian Genealogy, News
As we know from the recent headlines, immigrants to this country are being met with something other than open arms. And we know from the historical record this treatment is not atypical. The immigrants of the past century had no less a perilous journey, and once they...
by Jerry Carbone | Feb 12, 2018 | News
My maternal grandparents —Gaetano Spera and Antoinetta Pizzichillo — immigrated from Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, on separate ships in 1906 and 1912. They were married in 1913 so I requested a copy of their marriage license application from the Denver Public Library’s...
by Jerry Carbone | Feb 8, 2018 | Brattleboro history, News, Postcards
Vernon, Vt., August 15, 1907 Dear Duddy, “Cheer up” I’ve just invested in a few Post Cards. Why didn’t you stop Sunday? If he cant [sic] drive he might surely hold you in I should think. Hope you will have good luck in Brattleboro. Julie is going to have a school in...
by Jerry Carbone | Jan 9, 2018 | News
So, you took advantage of the big discounted sales this holiday season, and finally swabbed your cheek or spit into a vial for your DNA test. And now you have a list of questions about DNA matches, ethnic composition, haplogroup, and those 1000 relatives the...